
  • Nickname: bokkus
  • Name: Patrick Engel
  • Country: United States
  • Projects: 0
  • Comments: 1

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  • F5 turbo
  • 23 October 2020 at 05:28AM
  • I’m so excited to have one of these being built for me very soon. Right now I’m sourcing all the parts and I’ve got just about everything except for the toroidal transformer and the parts that actually go on the boards. Would you still happen to have a list of all the parts you used? A BOM? Or at the least could you tell me specifically what kind of capacitors you used and where I can get them from. I am also thinking about going to a Mano and would like to know the exact size/voltage of the transformers you’re using. Thank you very much for any help you can give me.

    -pat engel


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